Generating Code from Documents
Clients using a GraphQL API, generally can do so by calling specific operations on the graphQL schema (like a mutation, query, subscription). These operations are defined in the standard graphql SDL, and then together with the variables are send to the graphql api.
fragment Continent on Continent {
query get_countries($filter: CountryFilterInput) {
countries(filter: $filter) {
continent {
You can do this in vanilla
python by just sending the query as a string, and the
variables as json to the graphql api and deseralizing the JSON-response to a python
dictionary. However this approach can be very error prone and can lead to run-time
errors especially in larger projects.
t = """
fragment Continent on Continent {
query get_countries($filter: CountryFilterInput) {
countries(filter: $filter) {
continent {
server_reponse =, variables={"filter": {"code": "eq": "22"}})
continent_name = server_response["data"]["countries"][0]["continent"]["name"] # nested dictionaries
Additionally you will not get any help from your IDE about the types and their nullability. With turms you can easily generate typed operations from you SDL query, that will give you both runtime checks and IDE type support.
How to use turms for client-side document generation
Client side code is often structured around the graphql documents (not the schema), as the documents describe which data you want to retrieve from the API. Your documents are nothing more than SDL code describing your operations and (resuable) fragments, and are stored in your development enviroment (most often in a seperate folder).
With turms installed we can now specify in the config where these documents are stored, and the schema it should use to infer the types from and use a modfieid battery of plugins to generate our python code from it:
documents: "your_documents/*.graphql" #a glob pattern where your documents are stored
out_dir: "your_library" # the folder where we will generate with all the generated code
stylers: # stylers to convert graphQL naming style to python
- type: turms.stylers.capitalize.CapitalizeStyler
- type: turms.stylers.snake_case.SnakeCaseStyler
plugins: # the plugins to use
- type: "turms.plugins.enums.EnumsPlugin" #creates python enums from graphql enums
- type: "turms.plugins.inputs.InputsPlugin" # creates input types from grahqlinputtypes
- type: turms.plugins.fragments.FragmentsPlugin # scans your documents for fragments and generates them
- type: turms.plugins.operations.OperationsPlugin # scans your documents for queries, mutation, subscription
- type: # enfores black styling
- type: turms.processors.isort.IsortProcessor # sorts the imports
uuid: str
UUID: str # mapping UUID scalar to st
Callback: str
Any: typing.Any
QString: str
ID: str
In this configuration turms will generated pydantic classes, from your documents, mapping to the defined GraphQL scalar types to their respective python types.
You might wonder, why we are not using pure dataclasses. This is mainly due turms support for graphql interfaces and unions, where we need to cast a returned type to the right datatype, somethign that is not possible with dataclasses by default, but easily done with pydantic and it deserialization.
From the document in one turms will now generate the following generated code:
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Literal, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
class StringQueryOperatorInput(BaseModel):
eq: Optional[str]
ne: Optional[str]
in_: Optional[List[Optional[str]]] = Field(alias="in")
nin: Optional[List[Optional[str]]]
regex: Optional[str]
glob: Optional[str]
class CountryFilterInput(BaseModel):
code: Optional[StringQueryOperatorInput]
currency: Optional[StringQueryOperatorInput]
continent: Optional[StringQueryOperatorInput]
class ContinentFilterInput(BaseModel):
code: Optional[StringQueryOperatorInput]
class LanguageFilterInput(BaseModel):
code: Optional[StringQueryOperatorInput]
class Continent(BaseModel):
typename: Optional[Literal["Continent"]] = Field(alias="__typename")
code: str
name: str
class Get_countriesCountries(BaseModel):
typename: Optional[Literal["Country"]] = Field(alias="__typename")
code: str
name: str
continent: Continent
class Get_countries(BaseModel):
countries: List[Get_countriesCountries]
class Arguments(BaseModel):
filter: Optional[CountryFilterInput] = None
class Meta:
document = "fragment Continent on Continent {\n code\n name\n}\n\nquery get_countries($filter: CountryFilterInput) {\n countries(filter: $filter) {\n code\n name\n continent {\n ...Continent\n }\n }\n}"
In this example we can see that turms not only generated typed models for the query but also for the arguments and the input types (if there were enums also all enums would have been generated).
Now you can simple import these dataclasses and use them for (de-)serialization:
from your_library.schema import Get_countries, CountryFilterInput, StringQueryOperatorInput
variables = Get_countries.Arguments(filter=CountryFilterInput(code=StringQueryOperatorInput(eq="DE"))))
t =, variables.json())
countries = Get_countries(**t)
for i in countries.countries:
Additionally when using the "Funcs Plugin", we can even reduce this boilerplate code, down to function calls like this:
from your_library.schema import get_countries, CountryFilterInput, StringQueryOperatorInput
countries = get_countries(filter=CountryFilterInput(code=StringQueryOperatorInput(eq="DE")))
for i in countries.countries:
If you don't like the verbosity of the nested, input types, you can also use pydantics validation capabilite and pass the nested dictionary directly, pydantic will still do its runtime checking magic and give you serialization error.
Example project
In the example project (here)[]. We illustrate the necessary configuration to use code generation in a schema first approach.