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def get_definitions_for_onode(operation_definition: OperationDefinitionNode,
plugin_config: FuncsPluginConfig) -> List[Arg]

Checks the Plugin Config if the operation definition should be included in the generated functions


  • operation_definition OperationDefinitionNode - description
  • plugin_config FuncsPluginConfig - description


  • List[Arg] - description


def get_operation_class_name(o: OperationDefinitionNode,
registry: ClassRegistry) -> str

Generates the name of the Operation Class for the given OperationDefinitionNode


  • o OperationDefinitionNode - The graphql o node
  • registry ClassRegistry - The registry (used to get the operation class name)


  • Exception - If the operation type is not supported


  • str - description


def get_return_type_annotation(o: OperationDefinitionNode,
client_schema: GraphQLSchema,
registry: ClassRegistry,
collapse: bool = True) -> ast.AST

Gets the return type annotation for the given operation definition node

Ulized an autocollapse feature to collapse the return type annotation if it is a single fragment, to not generate unnecessary classes

FuncsPlugin Objects

class FuncsPlugin(Plugin)

This plugin generates functions for each operation in the schema.

Contratry to the operations plugin, this plugin generates real python function with type annotations and docstrings according to the operation definition.

These functions the can be used to call a proxy function (specified through the config) to execute the operation.

You can also specify a list of extra arguments and keyword arguments that will be passed to the proxy function.

Please consult the examples for more information.


async def aexecute(operation: Model, variables: Dict[str, Any], client = None):
client = client # is the grahql client that can be passed as an extra argument (or retrieved from a contextvar)
x = await client.aquery(
operation.Meta.document, operation.Arguments(**variables).dict(by_alias=True)
)# is the proxy function that will be called (u can validate the variables here)
return operation(** # Serialize the result

Subscriptions are supported and will map to an async iterator.