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Rath ❤️ Turms

What is turms?

Turms is a graphql-codegen inspired code generator for python that generates fully typed and serialized operations from your graphql schema. Just define your query in standard graphql syntax and let turms create fully typed queries/mutation and subscriptions, that you can use in your favourite IDE and with your favourite client like rath.


Imaging you have a schema like this

type Beast {
"ID of beast (taken from binomial initial)"
id: ID
"number of legs beast has"
legs: Int
"a beast's name in Latin"
binomial: String
"a beast's name to you and I"
commonName: String
"taxonomy grouping"
taxClass: String
"a beast's prey"
eats: [Beast]
"a beast's predators"
isEatenBy: [Beast]

type Query {
beasts: [Beast]
beast(id: ID!): Beast
calledBy(commonName: String!): [Beast]

type Mutation {
id: ID!
legs: Int!
binomial: String!
commonName: String!
taxClass: String!
eats: [ID]
): Beast

type Subscription {
watchBeast(id: ID!): Beast

And in your python code you would like to query all of the beasts

fragment Beast on Beast {

query get_beasts {
beasts {

In normal rath logic you would write the code something like this

rath = Rath(AIOHttpLink(url="..."))

with rath:
result = rath.execute("""
fragment Beast on Beast {

query get_beasts {
beasts {

first_beast_name =["get_beasts"][0]["commonName"]

This would be a perfectly fine scenario, however accessing nested dictionaries, can lead to unexpected bugs when accessing by wrongly spelled keys and especially is hard to debug if there are ever changes to your api. Wouldn't it be nice to have the type safety of graphql in your python code?


Turms can generate pydantic models that are automatically validated through your schema and makes working with graphql fragments and operations super easy.

Turms requires a graphl.config.yaml file to generate code, for this example we can use the following:

schema: schema.graphql
documents: graphql/**.graphql
out_dir: api
- type: turms.stylers.capitalize.Capitalizer
- type: turms.plugins.enums.EnumsPlugin
- type: turms.plugins.fragments.FragmentsPlugin
- type: turms.plugins.operation.OperationsPlugin
- type: rath.turms.plugins.funcs.RathFuncsPlugin #this will create functions that we can use with rath
- type:
uuid: str

With this generation rath will generate fully typed classes for enums, fragments, operations and additionally because we specify the RathFuncsPlugin, fully typed functions that we you can use in your code (ala useQuery, useMutation in apollo).

On running (in your terminal)

turms gen

Turms generates automatically this pydantic schema for you

from typing import Literal, List, Optional
from pydantic import Field, BaseModel
from enum import Enum
from rath.turms.funcs import aexecute, execute

class Beast(BaseModel):
typename: Optional[Literal["Beast"]] = Field(alias="__typename")
commonName: Optional[str]
"a beast's name to you and I"
taxClass: Optional[str]
"taxonomy grouping"

class Get_beasts(BaseModel):
beasts: Optional[List[Optional[Beast]]]

class Meta:
domain = "default"
document = "fragment Beast on Beast {\n commonName\n taxClass\n}\n\nquery get_beasts {\n beasts {\n ...Beast\n }\n}"

def get_beasts() -> List[Beast]:


Beast: The returned Mutation"""
return execute(Get_beasts, {}).beasts

async def aget_beasts() -> List[Beast]:


Beast: The returned Mutation"""
return (await aexecute(Get_beasts, {})).beasts

Which you can than use easily in your application code, like this

from rath import Rath
from api import get_beasts

rath = Rath(AIOHttpLink(url="..."))

with rath:
beasts = get_beasts()
first_beast_name = beasts[0].commonName

Your Queries are now strongly typed, with comments from your schema.


RathFuncs is just a thin wrapper aorund the OperationsFuncsPlugin that comes with turms, check out rath.turms.funcs for inspiraiton on writing your own.