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Quick Start

Let's discover Koil in less than 5 minutes.


Koil is very experimental at this point


koil is an abstraction layer for threaded asyncio to enable "sensible defaults" for programmers working with frameworks that are barely compatible with asyncio (originally developped to get around pyqt5)

Main Concept​

Async libraries are amazing, and its an ecosystem rapidly increasing, however in some contexts it still doesn't seem like the way to go and the burden of learning these concepts might be to high. However you developed a wonderful async api that you want to share with the world.

class AmazingAsyncAPI:
def __init__(self) -> None:

async def sleep(self):
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
return "the-glory-of-async"

async def __aenter__(self):
# amazing connection logic
return self

async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# amazing tear down logic
return self

However if somebody wants to use this api in sync environment they are in for a good one, as a call to just wont do the trick.

from koil import koilable, unkoilable

class AmazingAsyncAPI:
def __init__(self) -> None:

async def sleep(self):
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
return "the-glory-of-async"

async def __aenter__(self):
# amazing connection logic
return self

async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# amazing tear down logic
return self

And now it works. Just use your Api with a normal context manager.

with AmazingAsyncAPI as e:

Koil under the hood spawns a new event loop in another thread, calls functions that are marked with unkoilable threadsafe in that loop and returns the result, when exiting it shuts down the loop in the other thread.

If you have multiple context managers or tasks that you would just like to run in another thread, you can also create a loop in another thread

async def task(arg):
x = await ...
return x

with Koil(): # creates a threaded loop

x = unkoil(task, 1)

with AmazingAsyncAPI as e:

Moreover koil also is able to be used with generators

import asyncio
from koil import unkoil_gen

async def task(arg):
for i in range(0,20)
await asyncio.sleep(1)
yield arg

with Koil(): # creates a threaded loop

for x in unkoil_gen(task, 1):

And finally koil is able to create task like objects,

async def task(arg):
await asyncio.sleep(2)
return arg

with Koil():

x = unkoil(task, 1, as_task=True)

# do other stuff

if x.done():

PyQt Support​

... Documentation coming soon...


pip install koil