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def wrapped_qs_future(
future: asyncio.Future, success_html: str,
failure_html: str) -> Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[web.Response]]

Wraps a future in a webserver

This is used to wrap a future in a webserver, so that the future can be resolved when the webserver is called. It is similar to an async partial function.


future : Future The future to wrap success_html : str The html to return when the future is resolved failure_html : str The html to return when the future is rejected

AioHttpServerRedirecter Objects

class AioHttpServerRedirecter(BaseModel)

A simple webserver that will listen for a redirect from the OSF and return the path


async def aget_redirect_uri(token_request: TokenRequest) -> str

Retrieves the redirect uri

This function will retrieve the redirect uri from the RedirectWaiter. This function has to be implemented by the user.


async def astart(starturl: str) -> str

Awaits a redirect

This has to be implemented by a user